Toca Kitchen 2

‘Toca Kitchen’ is an enormously popular video game all over the world and its follow-up ‘Toca Kitchen 2’ seems to be even more entertaining, because it offers more possibilities to create new masterpieces of fine cuisine. So let us roll up the sleeves and delve into the game!

Give your fantasy full scope

Who told you that dishes must look immaculate and have just ordinary taste? ‘Toca Kitchen 2’ lets you experiment, preparing whatever you want without limitation. For example, a turret from tomatoes, an original burger or a grilled cheese sandwich are available and even more. You can make up your own recipes and leave your guest open-mouthed, tasting something unique and one-of-a-kind.

Exercise culinary talent

There are six culinary utensils at disposal, letting your prepare real chef-d’oeuvres. Just choose your favorite ingredients, do not forget to sprinkle it with creativity and flavor it with original notes. It is high time to prepare a dish of your dreams! Are not the guests excited about it?

Follow the guests’ reactions

The game lets you play around with the guests’ preferences, observing their reactions. The signature dish draws near! What it can be? The backed eggplants, remnant of potatoes, and lettuce juice. Do not they like it? If you add more salt? Is not it engrossing to oversee their reactions?

Fortunately, there are new available ingredients in stock, for example: chickens, shrimps, pineapples, corn ears, peaches, watermelons, strawberries, onions, spaghetti, octopus’s tentacles, rice, ketchups, flavorings, soybean sauce, etc.

Using new components, it will be interesting to find out whether your guests like stinging hot sauce or a sour lemon one and what they reaction to new dishes are. Moreover, there are also new reactions of heroes for you to choose. If they do not like something, you will know it at once, judging by the look of their faces. We hope you will be fond of ‘Toca Kitchen 2’!